Join us

South Birmingham Sinfonia is a thriving non-professional orchestra with around 50 members, performing a wide range of music including major symphonic works and concertos with professional soloists.

Apart from playing excellent music to very high standards, the objectives of the orchestra include fund-raising for Birmingham Hospice. Costs of rehearsals, etc., are borne by the membership through subscriptions, so that profits from concerts can go to our charitable efforts. If you are interested in joining, please get in touch.


We normally meet on Monday evenings in term time in the Friends Meeting House, 65 Linden Road, Bournville, Birmingham, B30 1JT. Arrive in time for baton-down at 7.30pm. There is a tea break, and rehearsals usually go on to about 9.40pm. Occasional sectionals may be held elsewhere.

Parking is not generally available on the forecourt but there are plenty of spaces in the vicinity, e.g. Sycamore Road and Woodbrooke Road. The very few spaces that are available are reserved for people with large instruments or other difficulties with access. If you think that applies to you, do discuss this with us.


  • We expect for strings Grade 8 and/or considerable orchestral experience; for woodwind always Grade 8 and an audition; for brass and percussion ideally Grade 7/8 with orchestral experience.
  • We require a commitment to attend all rehearsals and concerts, including private preparation outside rehearsal time. (Students need to give thought to attendance at rehearsals outside of term time and general time pressures.)
  • Rehearsals are in the usual local school term time (including breaks for half terms). We normally perform concerts in February and in July.


We aim to cover costs for regular rehearsals from subscriptions, so that profits from concerts can be donated to Birmingham Hospice. We really cannot do all that we do without our members’ support. The current half-yearly subscriptions are:

  • Full subscription – £60
  • Retired people (who wish to claim a reduction) – £45
  • Students – £35

Please do suggest to friends that they might join the orchestra. The more members we have, the easier it is to cover costs.

“The music-making was committed and passionate… incredibly impressive playing.”